Friday, 21 June 2013

Step away from the idiot box!

TV is shit!

Hundreds of channels on the idiot box and how many of them show programmes that are actually worth paying even the slightest bit of interest to? Not bloody many!

Don't get me wrong, there are some interesting and innovative shows on TV, shows that are a delight to watch, but they'll rarely be seen and thus soon cancelled. Unless it's a dreary soap opera, a reality show featuring the dregs of society or a talent show were looks are far more important than any actual talent. Those you know will be pushed by TV executives to all the willing sheep who sit with the remote glued to their hand and the phone next to them, ready to ring each other up and discuss why Ken took a 15 year old Escort to Kevin's garage!

Since none of those who believe Coronation Street is real will ever read this blog, I think I can safely say that the last sentence of the above paragraph will never be appreciated!

Why exactly are soaps and the like so popular? I mean why would you want to live vicariously through a fictional council estate resident when you already fucking live on a council estate? Are your lives really that dull that you can only get enjoyment from watching people pretending to be like you are? Fucking mind boggling!

I realise I'm possibly being slightly offensive here, but watching people get brain washed by crap (those who have brains) is quite depressing. Does anyone have the patience to read books these days? Does anyone have the desire to leave the house and actually visit somewhere new? Or is everyone more concerned about who's shagging who in Eastenders?

It's no wonder we can't have intelligent protests about important issues anymore, we're all too busy wondering who'll win in the national soap awards! A pointless exercise in TV rewarding pointless exercises in TV!

And what the fuck is the deal with "reality TV"? Seriously is watching people eat, drink, sleep and talk like morons that interesting that it deserves to have 10 years (so far) of TV devoted to it? I mean Big Brother, a pointless show making pointless celebrities for fuck knows how many years and The only way is Essex, a collection of the dumbest people known to man! I'm feeling brain cells die just typing this paragraph!

I'm ranting now and enjoying it!

Talent shows? Are they actually anything more than a chance to put a smug, arrogant bastard like Simon Cowell on TV so he can sneer at people and occasionally have eggs thrown at him? Is there any talent that succeeds on the X-Factor? On Bee Gee Tee? Isn't it odd how all those who win such shows generally look like walking cosmetic surgery adverts? Talent is a long forgotten thing these days.

I'm going to finish up now with a few points:

  1. Soap Opera's are not real. Who's shagging who, who killed who and who is the daddy of the baby are all things that are decided upon by writers and producers. They are fake!
  2. Reality TV shows are nothing more than an attempt to try and cause controversy on national TV. The producers of such shows just want an excuse to try and provoke violence and sex.
  3. Talent shows are fixed. It doesn't matter if you have perfect pitch and tone, it doesn't matter if you can stir up intense emotions in people just by your singing. If you look like you've been repeatedly battered with a shovel then you're not getting on TV to show your abilities. People are shallow and only looks sell.
Right I've had my rant, people might not like what I've said, but I too am allowed my opinion!

TV is dead, R.I.P. TV!

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